Challenge Your Hearing

Have a quiet ticking clock at one end of the house and see who can get the furthest away from it and still hear the clock. Also, use a tone generator app to test who can hear the highest pitch frequencies.
Then make a list of things which you would miss if you couldn't hear any more, or what would be inconvenient or dangerous without being able to hear.

Play 77 Questions

This is like 20 questions but you're meant to pick something very difficult (but not impossible) for others to guess. Choose a very specific object which was either mentioned in the Bible or you know would have been present in the scene of a story in the Bible. However the item chosen must be something everyone playing would have heard of and be able to figure out would be present in the Bible story. For example, it could be the lock on John's jail cell - it's not mentioned specifically but everyone would assume would be there.
Then, everyone else must only ask Yes or No questions to try and figure out what you've chosen. You'll be surprised how obscure an item people can guess purely form Yes or No questions.
TIP: If the the group is not getting close at all, remind them to start with very broad questions first and narrow down slowly. Example" "is it a human" or "is it in the new testament" are good early guesses, asking "is is a carrot" early on is too specific and does not help direct your questions at all. And no, you don't need to count the guesses - just keep going!

Make an Emoji Bible Story

Tell a Bible story using emojis or emoticon characters only. See if people can guess the story you've 'written'. :)

Play​ Would You Rather Be

Ask those with you would you rather be this Bible character or that Bible character. This animal or that animal. This tree or that tree. etc. Also find out the reasons behind the answer they give.

Hide and Seek Lost Items

Hide small items, like a coin or toy sheep, and have others try and find them. Make it as hard or easy as needed, which can be achieved by altering what kind of clues you're willing to give. Consider throwing coins of value into a very bushy/dificult area and the finder can keep the coins thy find. Read the 'lost' parables afterwards.

Lookup Nature World Records

Look through a world record or top ten book or website and explore world record facts about nature. From the tallest trees, to the hairiest bees to the deepest seas. If you're in a group, make a game of it: see who can guess the closest answer to the record you've found.

Play if I Were a Butterfly

One person names an animal and the next person needs to think of a reason to thank God for making them special. (Eg. An elephant would thank God for its trunk and the ability to be able to lift things.)
To make it more challenging, have others present have to think of different reasons to praise God for making that animal special - with the person who chose the animal going last.

Balance Anything

Anything which is rigid and is on steady ground should be able to be balanced, even though the balancing point may be very tiny.
Find some objects, large and small, and see which of them you or your family and friends can balance. See if you can get an object to balance for more than 1 minute. Try a dining room chair balancing on one leg for example (tip: always be there to catch it). Admire gravity, as well as your ability to sense touch and weight to be able to balance objects so finely.

Draw by Verbal Instruction Only

Have someone describe a simple drawing verbally and everyone else needs to draw it as best they can by following the instructions only - not seeing the original until later.
You could award points to the person with the closest match and award points to the instruction giver for how close the match is - the closer the match, the better the instructions, the more points.

Guess the Weight

Have a friendly competition guessing the weights of objects. Have you ever thought how amazing it is we can judge weights fairly accurately just by holding something. What sense do we use to sense weight? Try weighing fruit and vegetables, or portions of foods and snacks, and the closest guesses get to eat that item for their next meal.

Guess the Hand Drawn Words

Write on someone's back, or on the palm of their hand, with your finger and get them to guess what you wrote - without watching. Start with just single letters, then try small words or simple pictures. See how well you can use the sense of touch in your back to understand someone communicating with you! If you want to score, play in pairs and take tuns, 1 point each time a pair guesses correctly. limit yourself to drawing the same thing a maximum of three times before a guess has to be made.

Play Bible Vowels

Take turns at naming a book of the Bible and get one point for every vowel that book has in its name (including the vowels in 'first, second, third' for multi books).
Alternatively, score on consonants or entire letters.

Play A to Z

Pick a topic (like animals, birds, fish, insects, trees, plants, names, relative names, Bible characters) and go through the alphabet one letter at a time. Each person must list something different, yet starting with the current letter, that belongs to the topic.
Take turns from youngest to oldest if kids are playing, otherwise rotate who starts, as the final person each round has the hardest job to think of item for that letter which has no yet been said.
Once you've succeeded through the whole alphabet, try a new topic.

Play Bible Lego Creationary

Using Lego instead of pen and paper like Pictionary, or acting like charades, to have others guess what the Bible person, place, animal or object is.

Bible Headbands (Celebrity head)

Write different names of Bible characters on pieces of card and attach them to people's foreheads without them seeing who they are. Sitting in a circle, each person takes a turn at asking questions to the other people in the group (who can see who the person is) and in doing so tries to work out their identity. The player can keep asking questions until they get a 'NO' answer on their turn, then play moves to the next person in the circle. Keep going around the circle until everyone has guessed their identity.
Example: Someone might have "John the Baptist" on their  forehead and they might ask: 'Was I a good person?', (Yes), 'Was I a friend of Jesus', (Yes), 'Was I a woman?', (No - so end of turn).

Play Bible Charades

Take turns acting out a scene, story or person mentioned in the Bible. Alternatively, act out an animals behaviour. This can be played with a single person on a team or as groups working together. (eg. more than one person acting or guessing)

Play Sink or Float

Get a collection of all the fresh fruit and vegetables you have and have each person make a guess as to which foods will sink and which will float. Score double points if you guess a food correctly that was mentioned in the Bible.

Do a Jigsaw Puzzle

Find a nature jigsaw puzzle you can piece together. Invite some family and friends to help (the bigger the puzzle the better), pop on some Christian music and puzzle away. Some public libraries have jigsaw puzzles available for loan.

Make a Squiggle Picture

Have someone draw a few random lines or shapes on paper and another person turn it into a picture of something from the Bible or nature that the original squiggle drawer can guess.

Make Animal Shadow Puppets

Make shadow puppets of animals using just your hands and body and have people guess what they are. For a harder version, give an opponent a very difficult animal to try and make for others to guess.
Take a photo or video when you've mastered the animals.